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Varieties of Science Narrative: FMS II Kick-off Workshop2May2018Welcome new members of our expanding research team, help develop plans for their projects, and initiate inter-project and interdisciplinary collaborations for a new phase of FMS research.More
Experimental Encounters III7Dec2017Writer, Scholar, Scientist Workshop on Bernhard Kegel's ABGRUNDMore
Experimental Encounters II2Nov2017Our second Writer-Scholar-Scientist Workshop, in which we meet to discuss the novel "Helium" More
Narrating Science: The Power of Stories in the 21st Century24May2017Join us in Toronto for three days of discussions and readings with scholars, creative writers, and scientists. More
Auf Forschungsreise für den nächsten Bestseller2Mar2017Bernhard Kegel stellt seinen neuesten Wissenschaftsroman „Abgrund“ vor. Am 2.3. im Universum Bremen und am 3.3. im Hanse-WissenschaftskollegMore
Beyond the Literary Science Novel?16Dec2016In this half-day workshop we focus on defining the science novel as a genre with respect to other forms of science narrative and the significance of such categorizations for the impacts of such literature, particularly in the case of climate change fiction. More
June 2016 Meeting21Jun2016Science communication, narrating science, and a new case study research framework by invitation onlyMore
Writer, Scholar, Scientist: On "Carbon Dreams"13May2016The first in a series of experimental encounters around literary depictions of science, this workshop is restricted to FMS members and invited guests.More
Authenticity after Postmodernism29Feb2016Expert Knowledge, Formal Innovation, & Literary Contexts for the Science Novel. Workshop with special guests Irmtraud Huber, Wolfgang Funk, and Jean Hegland.More
Student Conference: Biopower In Contemporary Anglophone Literature30Oct2015Student conference held at the University of Oldenburg, based on FMS themes.More
October 2015 Meeting30Oct2015Discussing fiction about science with science communication scholars and practitioners: nomenclature and the reality/authenticity/plausibility in fiction issue revisited, this time with a pragmatic spin.More
Open Campus, Universität Bremen7Jul2015FMS Researchers Jennifer Henke, Katrin Berndt, and Christine Müller introduce their research to the public at the university's Open Campus Day. More
The Falling Sky | Weiter als der Himmel18Jun2015Vorlesung und Diskussion mit der britischen Autorin und Astronomin Pippa Goldschmidt, ihrer Übersetzerin Zoë Beck, und FMS WissenschaftlernMore
May 2015 Meeting21May2015Discussion of sample texts for the "Drivers and Driven" volume, moderated by Sina Farzin.More
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