Website Info
Content: The FMS project team is responsible for content.
Please direct inquiries to the appropriate project member, or to Susan
Gaines, who oversees management of the site
Graphic design: Oliver Chrystosek
Technical design implementation: Sören Bernstein
Technical information and management: This website employs ScientificCMS, an open source program designed specifically to facilitate scholarly communication and collaboration at academic research institutes. The contents are processed with the Management System APLAWS, which is based on research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the follow-up activities of Ars Digita and Red Hat companies. The hardware of the server comes from IBM and is operated with a free Enterprise Linux (Scientific Linux). Apache and Tomcat are employed as Web servers.
The following members of the ScientificCMS team at the University of Bremen are
responsible for technical issues:
Sören Bernstein
Dörthe Meyfeld
Jens Pelzetter